Master Yi

Master Yi: The Wuju Bladesman

Release Date: February 21, 2009

Master Yi, also known as the Wuju Bladesman, is a champion in the popular online multiplayer game League of Legends. With his lightning-fast strikes and unparalleled mastery of the blade, Master Yi is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. In this article, we will delve into his story, his strengths and weaknesses, his background in the game, and his place in the League of Legends universe.

The Story of Master Yi

Master Yi hails from the Ionian province of Wuju, a land known for its ancient martial arts traditions. Born into a family of renowned swordsmen, Yi was destined to follow in their footsteps. However, tragedy struck when Noxian invaders attacked his village, leaving his family and friends dead. Filled with grief and a burning desire for revenge, Yi dedicated his life to mastering the Wuju style and becoming the ultimate warrior.

Through years of rigorous training and discipline, Master Yi honed his skills, surpassing even the greatest Wuju masters before him. He became one with his blade, moving with unparalleled speed and precision. Legends of his prowess spread throughout the land, and he soon became a symbol of hope for the Ionian people.

However, Yi's thirst for vengeance consumed him, blinding him to the true purpose of his training. It was only through the guidance of an elder Wuju master that he learned the importance of balance and harmony. Realizing that revenge would not bring back his loved ones, Yi set out on a new path - to protect the innocent and uphold justice.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Master Yi possesses several strengths that make him a formidable champion on the Summoner's Rift. His primary strength lies in his incredible speed and agility, allowing him to swiftly navigate the battlefield and strike down his enemies with lightning-fast attacks. His passive ability, Double Strike, grants him the ability to strike twice every few attacks, increasing his damage output significantly.

Additionally, Master Yi's Q ability, Alpha Strike, allows him to dash through multiple enemies, dealing damage and becoming untargetable for a brief period. This ability not only allows him to engage or disengage from fights but also provides him with excellent wave-clearing capabilities.

Furthermore, Master Yi's E ability, Wuju Style, empowers his next few basic attacks, dealing bonus true damage. This ability, combined with his high attack speed, makes him a fearsome duelist, capable of shredding through even the tankiest of opponents.

However, Master Yi does have his weaknesses. His lack of crowd control abilities makes him vulnerable to champions who can lock him down or disrupt his attacks. Additionally, his reliance on basic attacks leaves him susceptible to champions who can mitigate or reflect damage, such as those with high armor or abilities like Thornmail.

Master Yi in the Game

In League of Legends, Master Yi is primarily played in the jungle role. His fast clear speed and ability to secure objectives make him a popular choice for players looking to dominate the early game. With his high mobility and damage output, he excels at ganking lanes and snowballing his team to victory.

Master Yi's ultimate ability, Highlander, is a game-changer. When activated, it grants him bonus movement speed, attack speed, and immunity to slows. This allows him to chase down enemies, escape dangerous situations, and unleash a flurry of devastating strikes. Properly timed, his ultimate can turn the tide of team fights and secure victory for his team.

As the game progresses, Master Yi becomes an unstoppable force. With the right items and proper positioning, he can single-handedly decimate entire enemy teams. However, it is crucial for players to exercise caution and choose their engagements wisely, as a well-coordinated team can still shut him down with crowd control and focused burst damage.

On the website developed for the League of Legends game, you can access information and videos of all the skins available for Master Yi. Each skin offers a unique visual and thematic experience, allowing players to customize their champion's appearance to their liking. Whether it's the classic Assassin Master Yi, the cosmic-themed Cosmic Blade Yi, or the futuristic Project: Yi, there is a skin for every player's taste.

In conclusion, Master Yi is a champion with a rich backstory and a unique playstyle. His lightning-fast strikes, incredible mobility, and devastating damage make him a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Whether you're looking to dominate the jungle or unleash a flurry of blades in team fights, Master Yi is a champion that demands skill, precision, and a deep understanding of the Wuju arts.


Master Yi has tempered his body and sharpened his mind, so that thought and action have become almost as one. Though he chooses to enter into violence only as a last resort, the grace and speed of his blade ensures resolution is always swift. As one of the last living practitioners of the Ionian art of Wuju, Yi has devoted his life to continuing the legacy of his people—scrutinizing potential new disciples with the Seven Lenses of Insight to identify the most worthy among them.

Ally tips:

If you're in a lane against ranged players, leveling up Meditate can allow you to stay in the lane longer and gain levels faster than they will. Wuju Style is very strong early for last hitting minions. Try using Alpha Strike on a minion in front of an enemy champion so you are placed at a safe distance at the end of the spell.

Enemy tips:

Meditate is an effective method of healing damage over time, but Master Yi is susceptible to coordinated team ganks early in the game.If Master Yi tries to farm with Alpha Strike, hit him a few times so he has to use mana with Meditate to heal.Although Master Yi cannot be slowed while using Highlander, other disables can stop him in his tracks.

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